RD Wealth Management

Australia: Residence by Investment Program

Australia offers a compelling destination for those seeking residency through investment. The country is renowned for its high standard of living, multicultural society, and stable political, social, and economic environment. The Australian Residence by Investment program aligns with these attributes, offering pathways for individuals to contribute to its growth while enjoying the benefits of living in a developed nation.

Residence by Investment Overview

The Australian Residence by Investment program encompasses various streams, each designed to cater to different investment capacities and business experiences. The program’s core objective is to attract foreign investment and expertise to boost the Australian economy.


Minimum contribution of AUD 2.5 million under the Investor Stream

Processing time

12 months

Key benefit

Approximately five years to citizenship

Generic Overview of Australian RBI Programs

  • 1

    Investor Stream:
Requires a minimum investment of AUD 2.5 million, with applicants needing to demonstrate a successful business or investment background.
  • 2

    Significant Investor Stream:
A higher-tier option requiring an investment of AUD 5 million, with reduced residency requirements.
  • 3

    Entrepreneur Stream:
For those looking to start new ventures in Australia, requiring state or territory government endorsement.

Key Benefits of Australian RBI Programs

  • Access to Australia's high standard of living and multicultural society.
  • Opportunities for business growth and development in a stable economy.
  • Potential pathways to permanent residency and citizenship.

Procedures and Timeline for Australia Golden Visa/RBI Programs

The application process for the Australian Residence by Investment program is structured and merit-based, generally taking around 12 months to complete. The process includes:
  • 1

    Eligibility Assessment:
Verifying if the applicant meets the necessary criteria.
  • 2

    Expression of Interest (EOI):
Lodging an EOI to express interest in applying for a visa under the chosen stream.
  • 3

    Nomination by a State or Territory:
A government agency reviews the EOI and, if acceptable, nominates the applicant for the visa.
  • 4

    Visa Application:
Submitting the application with all required documentation.
After a successful application, the applicant is granted a provisional visa valid for five years. Permanent residency can be applied for after three years, subject to meeting certain requirements.
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