RD Wealth Management

United Kingdom: Residence by Investment Program

The United Kingdom, encompassing England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, offers a distinguished environment for investors through its Innovator Founder Visa Program. This program is particularly designed for experienced businesspeople aiming to establish or manage a business in the UK. Known for its rich history, diverse culture, and influential economy, the UK is a prime location for investors seeking opportunities in a dynamic market.

Residence by Investment Overview

The UK Innovator Founder Visa Program is structured to attract global talent and encourage economic growth. This visa provides residency for three years, which can be extended and potentially lead to permanent residency and citizenship.


Innovative, scaling business

Processing time

One–eight weeks from submission of the application to approval

Key benefit

The right to live, work, and study anywhere in the United Kingdom

Generic Overview of UK’s RBI Programs

The Innovator Founder Visa requires:
  • 1

    A minimum investment of GBP 50,000 in a startup venture.
  • 2

    A business plan that demonstrates innovation, viability, and scalability.
  • 3

    Endorsement from a Home Office approved body.

Key Benefits of UK’s RBI Programs

  • Eligibility for permanent residency in 2-5 years and citizenship in 5-6 years.
  • No language tests for the initial application.
  • Visa-free travel within the Schengen Zone.
  • Access to top-tier education and healthcare services.
  • Favorable tax regime based on residence and domicile.
  • No residency requirements before or after the residency has been granted.

Procedures and Timeline for UK Residence by Investment

  • 1

    Application Submission:
The application along with the required documentation must be submitted to the UK diplomatic post in the applicant’s country of residence.
  • 2

    Time to Residency:
The approval process may take between one and eight weeks.
  • 3

    Extension and Settlement:
After the initial three-year period, applicants can apply for an extension. Permanent residency is possible after five years of residency in the UK.
  • 4

    Citizenship Eligibility:
Following permanent residency, applicants can apply for UK citizenship after one year.

Investment Options for UK Innovator Founder Visa Program

  • Self-funded investment, with at least GBP 50,000 available for business investment.
  • Venture capital funding from an approved firm, requiring a robust business plan.
  • Investment from angel investors, high-net-worth individuals investing in startups.
The UK offers a nurturing environment for business innovation and growth, with access to a vast market and a rich entrepreneurial culture. The Innovator Founder Visa Program serves as an effective route for experienced entrepreneurs to establish their presence in the UK, benefiting from its dynamic business ecosystem and strategic location as a gateway to Europe.
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